Setiap orang dilarang: 1. Merusak, merobek, menginjak-injak, membakar, atau melakukan perbuatan lain dengan maksud menodai, menghina, atau merendahkan kehormatan Bendera Negara. 2. Memakai Bendera Negara untuk reklame atau iklan komersial 3. Mengibarkan Bendera Negara yang rusak, robek, luntur, kusut, atau kusam 4. Mencetak, menyulam, dan menulis huruf, angka, gambar atau tanda lain dan memasang lencana atau benda apapun pada Bendera Negara; dan 5. Memakai Bendera Negara untuk langit-langit, atap, pembungkus barang, dan tutup barang yang dapat menurunkan kehormatan Bendera Negara.

arielserafina [at] gmail [dot] com

Serafina Ariel (b. 2002) is an artist and educator from Jakarta, Indonesia. They live and work in Brooklyn, New York. Their artistic practice tracks a personal relationship to learning, citation, and documentation. By attempting to trace the construction of ideological allegiance through various texts, their work reconciles tensions between history, memory, speech, and feeling. Previously, they attended the Yale Norfolk School of Art and the School for Poetic Computation, and have exhibited work with Franklin Furnace, Recess Arts, and Pratt Institute Libraries. They are a 2025 Kahn | Mason SIP Fellow at the EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop. Serafina earned a BFA in Sculpture and Integrated Practices from Pratt Institute. They like maps, karaoke, and feeling a deep pang in their heart when confronted by large bodies of water.]

Pekerjaan: PELAJAR/MAHASISWA    Kewarganegaraan: WNI    Berlaku hingga:  SEUMUR HIDUP